Building a Business in Lockdown | A New Meaning of the Word “Suppliers”

Supplier sat around a table

Before we started building Hexa Finance, the main reason we spoke about suppliers was when we referred to our reseller customers. Don’t get me wrong, there are still plenty of conversations about these suppliers within Hexa, after all they are vitally important to our success and I know Stuart can’t go 10 minutes without calling one of you 🙂

But now, for Hexa there is an additional meaning of the word “Suppliers” and that is the relationships we are building with supporting businesses. These businesses have helped us during our launch and will hopefully continue to do so for months and years to come.

In my last article, I mentioned how pleasing it was to see how generous people had been with their time and also how technology was helping us build relationships with clients and suppliers during lockdown – both of these points continue to be extremely relevant.

Since we incorporated in August, we have been fortunate enough to build some great relationships with suppliers that have added a lot of value to our new business. Much in the same way that we are looking to share our experience with our clients on an outsourced asset finance basis, suppliers in the legal, accountancy and technology space have already proved to be a great extension of Hexa.

It is easy to think you have a great business model and ideas that will be relevant to your clients, but I think it is really important to understand where your knowledge gaps are.

Can sharing resource and outsourcing parts of your business give you a stronger business proposition ?

I am certainly open minded and really interested to see how this develops.

Best wishes,


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